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HBO released the first teaser for Game of Thrones Season 7, a怎么样治疗癫病好nd it features three royals Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister, and Daenerys Targaryen walk羊羔疯能活多久ing through long halls and sitting on their respective thrones.

HBO发布了权力的游戏第七季预告片,在这段预告片中出现了3个重要人物Jon Snow、Cersei Lannister和Daenerys Targaryen,他们走过一段长长的过道,走向他们的王座。

While Jon and Cersei look pretty much the same as they did at the end of Season 6, Daenerys seems to have acquired a new wardrobe. Gone are the filmy, colorful, skin-baring gowns she flaunted in Meereen.


Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres July 16 on H儿童癫痫病的症状BO.


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